Directions to Show Grounds
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Directions to Show from New Ross:
Take the main Wexford road out of New Ross. 5 miles further on, the Horse and Hound Pub is on left at Ballinaboola – take the next right just past this pub (signed for Wellingtonbridge) 6/7 miles further on at Garryrichard, take a right turn at bend (signed for Wellingtonbridge). Take the next left. At Grotto – go straight over and keep on road for Wellingtonbridge. At Wellingtonbridge, go over the railway line and keep left over bridge and left on the Wexford road. (N.B. Do not follow any sign post for Bannow). Approx. 3 miles on Wexford road – (Racks Cross – house on left, signed right for Duncormick) – turn right for Duncormick, passing underneath railway bridge along the way. In Duncormick, turn left and take a quick right (signed for Kilmore Quay). At next yield sign (Redmoor Cross), turn right and Show Grounds are 1 mile further, on left.
Directions to Show from Passage East Car Ferry – Passage East/Ballyhack:
Off the Ferry, turn right and go straight through Arthurstown. Keep straight on and head for Wellingtonbridge. . At Wellingtonbridge, keep right over bridge and left on the Wexford road. (N.B. Do not follow any sign post for Bannow). Approx. 3 miles on Wexford road – (Racks Cross – house on left,\signed right for Duncormick) – turn right for Duncormick, passing underneath railway bridge along the way. In Duncormick, turn left and take a quick right (signed for Kilmore Quay). At next yield sign (Redmoor Cross), turn right and Show Grounds are 1 mile further, on left.
Passage East Ferry Company Ltd – Continuous daily service between Passage East (Waterford) and Ballyhack (South Wexford) Mon – Sat 7am – 10pm
Tel: + 353 51-382480
Email: or
Directions to Show from Enniscorthy:
Coming into Wexford from Enniscorthy, you pass by the Ferrycarrig Hotel on left. Continue on over Ferrycarrig Bridge (Do not turn here for Wexford). Straight up the road and go straight through the next two roundabouts. You are on the road to Rosslare, one mile further on take a turn to your right for Johnstown Castle. At end of road, turn right. Pass by Johnstown Castle on left and through Murrintown village and keep straight on the road until you come to a yield sign. Turn left for Baldwinstown – The Wheelhouse Bar is on your left and– go straight ahead (signed for Kilmore Quay). 3 miles on, take a turn to your right (signed for Duncormick). Show Grounds are up the road on your right.
Directions to Show from Dublin – Coast Road over Wexford Bridge:
Go over Wexford Bridge. Turn left and head down Wexford Quay, keeping straight on, (passing Talbot Hotel on right – Glanbia further on, on left). Take the next right turn for Johnstown Castle – Pass by Johnstown Castle on left and through Murrintown village and keep straight on the road until you come to a yield sign. Turn left for Baldwinstown – The Wheelhouse Bar is on your left – keep straight ahead (signed for Kilmore Quay). 3 miles on, take a turn to your right (signed for Duncormick). Show Grounds are up the road on your right
Directions to Show from Rosslare Harbour:
From Rosslare Harbour take the Wexford road and go through Kilrane village and in Tagoat, Cushens Pub is on the right, take the turn to your left just past the Supermarket. At Twelve Acre Cross take a right and a quick left past Dog Shelter. At Greenfield Cross go straight across and keep straight on until you come to Tenacre (Greenacres Pub). Take a left and a quick right turn to Bridgetown. In Bridgetown, take a right and just over the railway line take a left. In Baldwinstown, (The Forge is in front of you) take a left turn for Kilmore Quay. 3 miles on, take a turn to your right (signed for Duncormick). Show Grounds are up the road on your right
Note: If you have any queries, please contact:-
Elizabeth Freeman:Tel: 087 7560871
Betty Stafford:Tel: 087 6336125
Show Day:Tel: 087 7560871