Young handler.

  1. Kate O’Leary, Ballyhogue.
  2. Aoife Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
  3. S. O’Leary, Ballyhogue.
  4. Sean Smyth, Dublin.
  5. Holly Whelan, Taghmon.
  6. Joleen Foley, Taghmon.

Class 2. Young Handler.

  1. Sarah O’Neil, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.
  2. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.


Open Dairy Breed (Non Fresian).

  1. Patrick Kavanagh, Russelstown, Bridgetown.
  2. Seamus O’Leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue.
  3. Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Slevoy Fringe Biscuit
  4. Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin.
  5. Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Slevoy Fringe Broiler

Open Dairy Breed (Non Fresian) Junior Cow In Milk.

  1. Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin.

Open Dairy Breed (Non Fresian) Maiden Heifer

  1. Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin.

Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Holstein/Fresian Heifer Calf

  1. Seamus O’Leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue. Conpaddin Doc Fame
  2. Sheamus O’Leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue. Coolnagree Banker Red
  3. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
  4. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
  5. Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Mucross Ryder Lady Red
  6. Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Mucross Moose Missy Red
  7. Patrick Kavanagh, Russelstown, Bridgetown.

Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Holstein/Fresian Maiden Heifer.

  1. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
  2. Sheamus O’leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue. Coolnagree Rager Banker Red.
  3. Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin. Cullies Samuel Anna.

Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Holstein/Fresian Cow In Milk

  1. Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin. Evergreen Apple Iet
  2. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.

Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Montebelliard Calf. Born On Or After 01/09/23

  1. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
  2. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
  3. Alan Hanbridge, Kiltegan, Co Wicklow. Brockna Jenifer
  4. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
  5. Alan Hanbridge, Kiltegan Co Wicklow. Brockna Jenefer
  6. Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.

Class 10. Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Montebelliard Cow In Milk

Champion: Kenny Smyth, Evergreen Apple Iet

Reserve: Seamus O’Leary, Conpaddin Doc Fame

Jersey/Shorthorn Champion

Kenny Smyth: Kilrisk Fanny 8




Beef Calf Male/Female Any Breed, Non Pedigree, Born After 01/01/24

  1. Sarah O’Neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.
  2. Owen O’Neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.


Best Animal Male Bullock/Female, Any Breed, Non Pedigree, Born Between 01/09/22

  1. Sarah O’neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.

Supreme Commercial Champion

Sarah O’neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.



Male Born on Or After 01/07/23

  1. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Marty S: Beanore Hans

Female Born Between 01/07/22 And 31/07/23

  1. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Martha S: Beanore Hans
  2. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Molly S: Beanore Hans


Supreme Hereford Champion

John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Martha S: Beanore Hans


Best Presented Rare And Unusual Farm Animal (To Be Judged In Pen)

  1. Shane Walsh, Cob Mare and Foal.
  2. Carmel Mahony, Alpaca.
  3. James White, Irish Moiled.
  4. Brian Jordan, Blue Faced Leister Sheep.