Young handler.
- Kate O’Leary, Ballyhogue.
- Aoife Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
- S. O’Leary, Ballyhogue.
- Sean Smyth, Dublin.
- Holly Whelan, Taghmon.
- Joleen Foley, Taghmon.
Class 2. Young Handler.
- Sarah O’Neil, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
Open Dairy Breed (Non Fresian).
- Patrick Kavanagh, Russelstown, Bridgetown.
- Seamus O’Leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue.
- Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Slevoy Fringe Biscuit
- Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin.
- Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Slevoy Fringe Broiler
Open Dairy Breed (Non Fresian) Junior Cow In Milk.
- Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin.
Open Dairy Breed (Non Fresian) Maiden Heifer
- Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin.
Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Holstein/Fresian Heifer Calf
- Seamus O’Leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue. Conpaddin Doc Fame
- Sheamus O’Leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue. Coolnagree Banker Red
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
- Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Mucross Ryder Lady Red
- Roche Family, Slevoy, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford. Mucross Moose Missy Red
- Patrick Kavanagh, Russelstown, Bridgetown.
Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Holstein/Fresian Maiden Heifer.
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
- Sheamus O’leary, Galbally, Ballyhogue. Coolnagree Rager Banker Red.
- Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin. Cullies Samuel Anna.
Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Holstein/Fresian Cow In Milk
- Kenny Smyth, Smyth Farm, St Margarets, Dublin. Evergreen Apple Iet
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Montebelliard Calf. Born On Or After 01/09/23
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
- Alan Hanbridge, Kiltegan, Co Wicklow. Brockna Jenifer
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
- Alan Hanbridge, Kiltegan Co Wicklow. Brockna Jenefer
- Patrick Kinsella, Craanford, Gorey.
Class 10. Pedigree Or Non Pedigree Montebelliard Cow In Milk
Champion: Kenny Smyth, Evergreen Apple Iet
Reserve: Seamus O’Leary, Conpaddin Doc Fame
Jersey/Shorthorn Champion
Kenny Smyth: Kilrisk Fanny 8
Beef Calf Male/Female Any Breed, Non Pedigree, Born After 01/01/24
- Sarah O’Neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.
- Owen O’Neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.
Best Animal Male Bullock/Female, Any Breed, Non Pedigree, Born Between 01/09/22
- Sarah O’neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.
Supreme Commercial Champion
Sarah O’neill, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow.
Male Born on Or After 01/07/23
- John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Marty S: Beanore Hans
Female Born Between 01/07/22 And 31/07/23
- John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Martha S: Beanore Hans
- John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Molly S: Beanore Hans
Supreme Hereford Champion
John Jones, Pallas, Gorey. Clonroe Martha S: Beanore Hans
Best Presented Rare And Unusual Farm Animal (To Be Judged In Pen)
- Shane Walsh, Cob Mare and Foal.
- Carmel Mahony, Alpaca.
- James White, Irish Moiled.
- Brian Jordan, Blue Faced Leister Sheep.